Simple Binding

Simple?  Yes, but an important binding to know especially when starting out.  The binding is simple but you might think about this half day class as an introduction to the most common style of sewing all books, leather and cloth.

We will start by trimming full sheets of paper into folios, turn them into sections, trim them and then sewn them together on tapes.  Then, it will be laced onto a flexible board which is covered with decorated paper.  It ends up being a beautiful book that is durable, flexible and easy to use for lots of purposes.

In addition to learning all that we will discuss variants in sewing and how different materials can be used.

This class will meet from 9 to 2, and is $55 which includes all supplies. All tools are supplied.  The class is limited to 8 students.

To sign up for this class email: 

To pay for the class go to this page.